Доброго времени суток. Извиняюсь если не совсем по теме, более подходящей темы для моего вопроса, в поисковике на русском, не нашёл. Столкнулся с такой проблемой. Хотел изменить настройки пользовательской модели "secret agent zoey (Suit)" для игры Left4dead2, модель декомпилировал программой crowbar tool v. 0.58, использовал настройки декомпиляции по умолчанию, декомпилировалась без ошибок,
Decompiling with Crowbar 0.58: "E:\Zoey_suit\models\survivors\survivor_teenangst.mdl" ...
Decompiling ".\survivor_teenangst.mdl" ...
Model version 49 detected.
Reading MDL file header ...
... Reading MDL file header finished.
Checking for required files ...
... All required files found.
Reading data ...
Reading MDL file ...
... Reading MDL file finished.
Reading PHY file ...
... Reading PHY file finished.
Reading VTX file ...
... Reading VTX file finished.
Reading VVD file ...
... Reading VVD file finished.
... Reading data finished.
Writing data ...
QC file:
Reference mesh files:
LOD mesh files:
Physics mesh file:
Procedural bones file:
Vertex animation files:
Bone animation files:
... Writing data finished.
... Decompiling ".\survivor_teenangst.mdl" finished.
... Decompiling with Crowbar 0.58: "E:\Zoey_suit\models\survivors\survivor_teenangst.mdl" finished.
а вот скомпилировать не получается, причём пробовал просто декомпилировать и ничего не меняя в настройках скомпилировать обратно, всё равно при компиляции
"выскакивает" та же ошибка "Rule for unknown flex AU1R".
Compiling with Crowbar 0.58: "E:\Zoey_suit_decompile\survivor_teenangst.qc" ...
Compiling ".\survivor_teenangst.qc" ...
Output from compiler "E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\bin\studiomdl.exe":
qdir: "e:\zoey_suit_decompile\"
gamedir: "E:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\left4dead2\"
g_path: "survivor_teenangst.qc"
Building binary model files...
Working on "survivor_teenangst.qc"
SMD MODEL survivor_teenangst_Main_Suit.smd
ERROR: e:\zoey_suit_decompile\survivor_teenangst.qc(108): - Rule for unknown flex AU1R
ERROR: Aborted Processing on 'survivors/survivor_TeenAngst.mdl'
CDynamicFunction: Loading library 'Kernel32.dll' (74A00000)
CDynamicFunction: Lookup of 'TryEnterCriticalSection' in 'Kernel32.dll': 77880B80
CDynamicFunction: Loading library 'psapi.dll' (76EB0000)
CDynamicFunction: Lookup of 'GetProcessMemoryInfo' in 'psapi.dll': 76EB16D0
CDynamicFunction: Closing library 'psapi.dll' (76EB0000)
CDynamicFunction: Closing library 'Kernel32.dll' (74A00000)
... Compiling ".\survivor_teenangst.qc" finished. Check above for any errors.
... Compiling with Crowbar 0.58: "E:\Zoey_suit_decompile\survivor_teenangst.qc" finished.
Попробовал просто удалить все проблемные строчки в QC фале, в итоге у модели появились проблемы с глазами, у неё не шевелятся нижние веки (когда смотрит вниз то глаза закрыты)
Можно как-то декомпилировать и скомпилировать модель без ошибок?
QC файл
Скрытый текст
// Created by Crowbar 0.58
$modelname "survivors/survivor_TeenAngst.mdl"
$model "TeenAngst" "survivor_teenangst_Main_Suit.smd" {
mouth 0 "mouth" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" 0 1 0
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "right_lid_raiser"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "left_lid_raiser"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "right_lid_tightener"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "left_lid_tightener"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "right_lid_droop"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "left_lid_droop"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "right_lid_closer"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "left_lid_closer"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "half_closed"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "blink"
flexcontroller brow range 0 1 "right_inner_raiser"
flexcontroller brow range 0 1 "left_inner_raiser"
flexcontroller brow range 0 1 "right_outer_raiser"
flexcontroller brow range 0 1 "left_outer_raiser"
flexcontroller brow range 0 1 "right_lowerer"
flexcontroller brow range 0 1 "left_lowerer"
flexcontroller nose range 0 1 "right_cheek_raiser"
flexcontroller nose range 0 1 "left_cheek_raiser"
flexcontroller nose range 0 1 "right_wrinkler"
flexcontroller nose range 0 1 "left_wrinkler"
flexcontroller nose range 0 1 "dilator"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "right_upper_raiser"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "left_upper_raiser"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "right_corner_puller"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "left_corner_puller"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "right_corner_depressor"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "left_corner_depressor"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "chin_raiser"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "right_part"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "left_part"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "right_puckerer"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "left_puckerer"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 2 "right_funneler"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 2 "left_funneler"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "right_stretcher"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "left_stretcher"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "bite"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "presser"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "tightener"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "jaw_clencher"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 2 "jaw_drop"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "right_mouth_drop"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "left_mouth_drop"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "right_cheek_puffer"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "left_cheek_puffer"
flexcontroller mouth range -1 1 "mouth_sideways"
flexcontroller mouth range -1 1 "jaw_sideways"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "lower_lip"
localvar upper_right_lowerer
localvar upper_right_neutral
localvar upper_right_raiser
localvar lower_right_lowerer
localvar lower_right_neutral
localvar lower_right_raiser
localvar upper_left_lowerer
localvar upper_left_neutral
localvar upper_left_raiser
localvar lower_left_lowerer
localvar lower_left_neutral
localvar lower_left_raiser
localvar biter
localvar AU1AU2AU4R
localvar AU1AU2AU4L
localvar right_open
localvar left_open
localvar right_lip_suppressor
localvar left_lip_suppressor
localvar lower_lip_active
localvar right_scaled_part
localvar left_scaled_part
localvar right_raiser_suppressor
localvar left_raiser_suppressor
localvar right_depressor_suppressor
localvar left_depressor_suppressor
localvar right_corner_suppressor
localvar left_corner_suppressor
localvar right_drop_suppressor
localvar left_drop_suppressor
localvar right_drop
localvar left_drop
localvar right_au_open
localvar left_au_open
localvar jaw_overage
localvar jaw_underage
localvar jaw_blend
%biter = bite
%upper_right_raiser = right_lid_raiser * (1 - right_lid_droop * 0.8) * (1 - right_lid_closer) * (1 - blink)
%upper_right_neutral = (1 - right_lid_droop * 0.8) * (1 - right_lid_raiser) * (1 - right_lid_closer) * (1 - blink)
%upper_right_lowerer = right_lid_closer + blink * (1 - right_lid_closer)
%upper_left_raiser = left_lid_raiser * (1 - left_lid_droop * 0.8) * (1 - left_lid_closer) * (1 - blink)
%upper_left_neutral = (1 - left_lid_droop * 0.8) * (1 - left_lid_raiser) * (1 - left_lid_closer) * (1 - blink)
%upper_left_lowerer = left_lid_closer + blink * (1 - left_lid_closer)
%lower_right_raiser = right_lid_closer
%lower_right_neutral = (1 - right_lid_closer) * (1 - right_lid_tightener * 0.5) * (1 - right_cheek_raiser * 0.25)
%lower_right_lowerer = 0
%lower_left_raiser = left_lid_closer
%lower_left_neutral = (1 - left_lid_closer) * (1 - left_lid_tightener * 0.5) * (1 - left_cheek_raiser * 0.25)
%lower_left_lowerer = 0
%AU1R = right_inner_raiser * (1 - right_outer_raiser) * (1 - right_lowerer)
%AU1L = left_inner_raiser * (1 - left_outer_raiser) * (1 - left_lowerer)
%AU2R = right_outer_raiser * (1 - right_inner_raiser) * (1 - right_lowerer)
%AU2L = left_outer_raiser * (1 - left_inner_raiser) * (1 - left_lowerer)
%AU4R = right_lowerer * (1 - right_inner_raiser) * (1 - right_outer_raiser)
%AU4L = left_lowerer * (1 - left_inner_raiser) * (1 - left_outer_raiser)
%AU1AU2AU4R = right_inner_raiser * right_outer_raiser * right_lowerer
%AU1AU2AU4L = left_inner_raiser * left_outer_raiser * left_lowerer
%AU1AU2R = right_inner_raiser * right_outer_raiser * (1 - right_lowerer) + %AU1AU2AU4R / 2
%AU1AU2L = left_inner_raiser * left_outer_raiser * (1 - left_lowerer) + %AU1AU2AU4L / 2
%AU1AU4R = right_inner_raiser * (1 - right_outer_raiser) * right_lowerer + %AU1AU2AU4R / 2
%AU1AU4L = left_inner_raiser * (1 - left_outer_raiser) * left_lowerer + %AU1AU2AU4L / 2
%AU2AU4R = right_outer_raiser * (1 - right_inner_raiser) * right_lowerer + %AU1AU2AU4R / 2
%AU2AU4L = left_outer_raiser * (1 - left_inner_raiser) * left_lowerer + %AU1AU2AU4L / 2
%AU38 = dilator
%right_open = right_part + right_puckerer + right_funneler + right_upper_raiser * 0.5 + %lower_lip_active
%left_open = left_part + left_puckerer + left_funneler + left_upper_raiser * 0.5 + %lower_lip_active
%right_lip_suppressor = (1 - presser) * (1 - %biter)
%left_lip_suppressor = (1 - presser) * (1 - %biter)
%AU6R = right_cheek_raiser
%AU6L = left_cheek_raiser
%right_scaled_part = right_part * (1 - right_puckerer * (1 / 2 - right_funneler * 1 / 6) - right_funneler * 1 / 4) * %right_lip_suppressor
%left_scaled_part = left_part * (1 - left_puckerer * (1 / 2 - left_funneler * 1 / 6) - left_funneler * 1 / 4) * %left_lip_suppressor
%AU25R = %right_scaled_part * (1 - right_corner_puller)
%AU25L = %left_scaled_part * (1 - left_corner_puller)
%AU12AU25R = %right_scaled_part * right_corner_puller
%AU12AU25L = %left_scaled_part * left_corner_puller
%AU18R = right_puckerer * (1 - right_part * (1 / 2 - right_funneler * 1 / 6) - right_funneler * 1 / 4) * %right_lip_suppressor
%AU18L = left_puckerer * (1 - left_part * (1 / 2 - left_funneler * 1 / 6) - left_funneler * 1 / 4) * %left_lip_suppressor
%AU22R = right_funneler * (1 - right_part * (1 / 2 - right_puckerer * 1 / 3) - right_puckerer * 1 / 2) * %right_lip_suppressor
%AU22L = left_funneler * (1 - left_part * (1 / 2 - left_puckerer * 1 / 3) - left_puckerer * 1 / 2) * %left_lip_suppressor
%right_raiser_suppressor = (1 - 0.3 * %AU22R) * (1 - 0.5 * %AU18R) * (1 - presser) * (1 - %biter) * (1 - right_corner_puller) * (1 - 0.5 * jaw_drop)
%left_raiser_suppressor = (1 - 0.3 * %AU22L) * (1 - 0.5 * %AU18L) * (1 - presser) * (1 - %biter) * (1 - left_corner_puller) * (1 - 0.5 * jaw_drop)
%AU9R = right_wrinkler * %right_raiser_suppressor * (1 - right_upper_raiser)
%AU9L = left_wrinkler * %left_raiser_suppressor * (1 - left_upper_raiser)
%AU10R = right_upper_raiser * %right_raiser_suppressor
%AU10L = left_upper_raiser * %left_raiser_suppressor
%AU25R = %AU25R * (1 - %AU10R) * (1 - %AU9R)
%AU25L = %AU25L * (1 - %AU10L) * (1 - %AU9L)
%AU17R = chin_raiser * (1 - jaw_drop * 0.5) * (1 - %biter) * max(0, (1 - 2 * (%AU25R + %AU12AU25R + %AU18R + %AU22R + %AU10R)))
%AU17L = chin_raiser * (1 - jaw_drop * 0.5) * (1 - %biter) * max(0, (1 - 2 * (%AU25L + %AU12AU25L + %AU18L + %AU22L + %AU10L)))
%right_depressor_suppressor = 1 / (%AU18R * 0.8 + %AU22R * 0.8 + %AU17R + %biter + right_corner_puller + right_stretcher + right_corner_depressor)
%left_depressor_suppressor = 1 / (%AU18L * 0.8 + %AU22L * 0.8 + %AU17L + %biter + left_corner_puller + left_stretcher + left_corner_depressor)
%AU15R = right_corner_depressor * right_corner_depressor * %right_depressor_suppressor
%AU15L = left_corner_depressor * left_corner_depressor * %left_depressor_suppressor
%right_corner_suppressor = 1 / (%AU18R * 0.8 + %AU22R * 0.8 + %AU17R + %biter + right_corner_puller + right_stretcher + right_corner_depressor) * (1 - jaw_drop * 0.25)
%left_corner_suppressor = 1 / (%AU18L * 0.8 + %AU22L * 0.8 + %AU17L + %biter + left_corner_puller + left_stretcher + left_corner_depressor) * (1 - jaw_drop * 0.25)
%AU12R = right_corner_puller * right_corner_puller * %right_corner_suppressor * (1 - right_part)
%AU12L = left_corner_puller * left_corner_puller * %left_corner_suppressor * (1 - left_part)
%AU20R = right_stretcher * right_stretcher * %right_corner_suppressor
%AU20L = left_stretcher * left_stretcher * %left_corner_suppressor
%right_drop_suppressor = 1 / (0.5 * %right_open + right_mouth_drop) * (1 - presser) * (1 - %biter)
%left_drop_suppressor = 1 / (0.5 * %left_open + left_mouth_drop) * (1 - presser) * (1 - %biter)
%right_drop = right_mouth_drop * right_mouth_drop * %right_drop_suppressor
%left_drop = left_mouth_drop * left_mouth_drop * %left_drop_suppressor
%right_au_open = min((%AU18R + %AU25R + %AU12AU25R + 0.5 * %AU22R + %AU20R + %AU12R), 1)
%left_au_open = min((%AU18L + %AU25L + %AU12AU25L + 0.5 * %AU22L + %AU20L + %AU12L), 1)
%AU32 = bite
%AU24 = presser + (1 - presser) * tightener
%AU31 = jaw_clencher * jaw_clencher / (jaw_clencher + min(jaw_drop, 1))
%AD96L = max(-mouth_sideways, 0) * (1 - 0.5 * %right_au_open) * (1 - %right_drop * jaw_drop * 0.25) * (1 - 0.5 * %biter)
%AD96R = max(mouth_sideways, 0) * (1 - 0.5 * %left_au_open) * (1 - %right_drop * jaw_drop * 0.25) * (1 - 0.5 * %biter)
%AD30L = max(-jaw_sideways, 0)
%AD30R = max(jaw_sideways, 0)
%jaw_overage = max(0, ((jaw_drop - 1) * (1 - presser) * (1 - %biter) * (1 - 0.5 * max(%right_au_open, %left_au_open))))
%jaw_underage = min(jaw_drop, 1) - %jaw_overage
%jaw_blend = jaw_drop / (jaw_clencher + jaw_drop)
%AU26R = %jaw_underage * (1 - %right_drop) * %jaw_blend
%AU26L = %jaw_underage * (1 - %left_drop) * %jaw_blend
%AU27R = %jaw_underage * %right_drop * %jaw_blend
%AU27L = %jaw_underage * %left_drop * %jaw_blend
%AU26ZR = %jaw_overage * (1 - %right_drop) * %jaw_blend
%AU26ZL = %jaw_overage * (1 - %left_drop) * %jaw_blend
%AU27ZR = %jaw_overage * %right_drop * %jaw_blend
%AU27ZL = %jaw_overage * %left_drop * %jaw_blend
%AU22ZR = max(0, (%AU22R - 1))
%AU22ZL = max(0, (%AU22L - 1))
%AU22R = min(%AU22R, 1) - %AU22ZR
%AU22L = min(%AU22L, 1) - %AU22ZL
%AU16L = %lower_lip_active * %left_lip_suppressor * (1 - %left_au_open)
%AU16R = %lower_lip_active * %right_lip_suppressor * (1 - %right_au_open)
%mouth = %AU27R * 0.5 + %AU27L * 0.5 + %AU27ZR * 0.5 + %AU27ZL * 0.5 + %AU26ZR * 0.35 + %AU26ZL * 0.35 + %AU22R * 0.35 + %AU22L * 0.35 + %AU18R * 0.25 + %AU18L * 0.25 + %AU25R * 0.35 + %AU25L * 0.35 + %AU32 * 0.5 + %AU12AU25R * 0.5 + %AU12AU25L * 0.5 + %AU16L * 0.3 + %AU16R * 0.3 + %AU10R * 0.5 + %AU10L * 0.5
%AU13R = right_cheek_puffer * max(0, (1 - %mouth * 3))
%AU13L = left_cheek_puffer * max(0, (1 - %mouth * 3))
$bodygroup "TeenAngst"
studio "survivor_teenangst_Main_Zoey_Hands_Whole.smd"
$bodygroup "TeenAngst"
studio "survivor_teenangst_Main_Straps.smd"
$bodygroup "TeenAngst"
studio "survivor_teenangst_Main_Holster_right.smd"
$model "TeenAngst" "survivor_teenangst_Zoey_Head.smd" {
eyeball "eye_right" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" -1.110011 -3.499928 62.600051 "teenangst_eyeball_r" 1 5 "iris_unused" 0.6
eyeball "eye_left" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" 1.109989 -3.499923 62.600060 "teenangst_eyeball_l" 1 -5 "iris_unused" 0.6
eyelid upper_right "survivor_teenangst_05.vta" lowerer 1 -0.22 neutral 0 0.09 raiser 2 0.34 split 1 eyeball "eye_right"
eyelid lower_right "survivor_teenangst_05.vta" lowerer 3 -0.39 neutral 0 -0.22 raiser 4 -0.11 split 1 eyeball "eye_right"
eyelid upper_left "survivor_teenangst_05.vta" lowerer 5 -0.27 neutral 0 0.05 raiser 6 0.29 split -1 eyeball "eye_left"
eyelid lower_left "survivor_teenangst_05.vta" lowerer 7 -0.43 neutral 0 -0.27 raiser 8 -0.16 split -1 eyeball "eye_left"
flexfile "survivor_teenangst_05.vta"
defaultflex frame 0
// Already in eyelid lines: flex "upper_right" frame 1
// Already in eyelid lines: flex "upper_right" frame 2
// Already in eyelid lines: flex "lower_right" frame 3
// Already in eyelid lines: flex "lower_right" frame 4
// Already in eyelid lines: flex "upper_left" frame 5
// Already in eyelid lines: flex "upper_left" frame 6
// Already in eyelid lines: flex "lower_left" frame 7
// Already in eyelid lines: flex "lower_left" frame 8
flex "frame01" frame 9
flex "frame02" frame 10
flex "frame03" frame 11
flex "frame04" frame 12
flex "AU42" frame 13
flexpair "AU1" 1 frame 14
flexpair "AU2" 1 frame 15
flexpair "AU4" 1 frame 16
flexpair "AU12" 1 frame 17
flexpair "AU15" 1 frame 18
flexpair "AU17" 1 frame 19
flexpair "AU10" 1 frame 20
flexpair "AU17D" 1 frame 21
flexpair "AU16" 1 frame 22
flexpair "AU6" 1 frame 23
flexpair "AU9" 1 frame 24
flexpair "AU25" 1 frame 25
flexpair "AU22" 1 frame 26
flexpair "AU20" 1 frame 27
flex "AU32" frame 28
flex "AU24" frame 29
flexpair "AU18" 1 frame 30
flex "AU38" frame 31
flex "AU31" frame 32
flexpair "AU26" 1 frame 33
flexpair "AU27" 1 frame 34
flexpair "AU26Z" 1 frame 35
flexpair "AU27Z" 1 frame 36
flex "AD30L" frame 37
flex "AD30R" frame 38
flexpair "AU1AU2" 1 frame 39
flexpair "AU1AU4" 1 frame 40
flexpair "AU2AU4" 1 frame 41
flexpair "AU12AU25" 1 frame 42
flexpair "AU6Z" 1 frame 43
flexpair "AU18Z" 1 frame 44
flexpair "AU22Z" 1 frame 45
flexpair "AU13" 1 frame 46
flex "AD96L" frame 47
flex "AD96R" frame 48
flex "old-cheekRaiser" frame 49
flex "tempWrinkler" frame 50
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "right_lid_raiser"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "left_lid_raiser"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "right_lid_tightener"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "left_lid_tightener"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "right_lid_droop"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "left_lid_droop"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "right_lid_closer"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "left_lid_closer"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "half_closed"
flexcontroller eyelid range 0 1 "blink"
flexcontroller brow range 0 1 "right_inner_raiser"
flexcontroller brow range 0 1 "left_inner_raiser"
flexcontroller brow range 0 1 "right_outer_raiser"
flexcontroller brow range 0 1 "left_outer_raiser"
flexcontroller brow range 0 1 "right_lowerer"
flexcontroller brow range 0 1 "left_lowerer"
flexcontroller nose range 0 1 "right_cheek_raiser"
flexcontroller nose range 0 1 "left_cheek_raiser"
flexcontroller nose range 0 1 "right_wrinkler"
flexcontroller nose range 0 1 "left_wrinkler"
flexcontroller nose range 0 1 "dilator"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "right_upper_raiser"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "left_upper_raiser"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "right_corner_puller"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "left_corner_puller"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "right_corner_depressor"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "left_corner_depressor"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "chin_raiser"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "right_part"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "left_part"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "right_puckerer"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "left_puckerer"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 2 "right_funneler"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 2 "left_funneler"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "right_stretcher"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "left_stretcher"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "bite"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "presser"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "tightener"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "jaw_clencher"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 2 "jaw_drop"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "right_mouth_drop"
flexcontroller phoneme range 0 1 "left_mouth_drop"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "right_cheek_puffer"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "left_cheek_puffer"
flexcontroller mouth range -1 1 "mouth_sideways"
flexcontroller mouth range -1 1 "jaw_sideways"
flexcontroller mouth range 0 1 "lower_lip"
flexcontroller eyes range -30 30 "eyes_updown"
flexcontroller eyes range -30 30 "eyes_rightleft"
flexcontroller eyes range -30 30 "eyes_updown"
flexcontroller eyes range -30 30 "eyes_rightleft"
localvar biter
localvar AU1AU2AU4R
localvar AU1AU2AU4L
localvar right_open
localvar left_open
localvar right_lip_suppressor
localvar left_lip_suppressor
localvar lower_lip_active
localvar right_scaled_part
localvar left_scaled_part
localvar right_raiser_suppressor
localvar left_raiser_suppressor
localvar right_depressor_suppressor
localvar left_depressor_suppressor
localvar right_corner_suppressor
localvar left_corner_suppressor
localvar right_drop_suppressor
localvar left_drop_suppressor
localvar right_drop
localvar left_drop
localvar right_au_open
localvar left_au_open
localvar jaw_overage
localvar jaw_underage
localvar jaw_blend
%biter = bite
%upper_right_raiser = right_lid_raiser * (1 - right_lid_droop * 0.8) * (1 - right_lid_closer) * (1 - blink)
%upper_right_neutral = (1 - right_lid_droop * 0.8) * (1 - right_lid_raiser) * (1 - right_lid_closer) * (1 - blink)
%upper_right_lowerer = right_lid_closer + blink * (1 - right_lid_closer)
%upper_left_raiser = left_lid_raiser * (1 - left_lid_droop * 0.8) * (1 - left_lid_closer) * (1 - blink)
%upper_left_neutral = (1 - left_lid_droop * 0.8) * (1 - left_lid_raiser) * (1 - left_lid_closer) * (1 - blink)
%upper_left_lowerer = left_lid_closer + blink * (1 - left_lid_closer)
%lower_right_raiser = right_lid_closer
%lower_right_neutral = (1 - right_lid_closer) * (1 - right_lid_tightener * 0.5) * (1 - right_cheek_raiser * 0.25)
%lower_right_lowerer = 0
%lower_left_raiser = left_lid_closer
%lower_left_neutral = (1 - left_lid_closer) * (1 - left_lid_tightener * 0.5) * (1 - left_cheek_raiser * 0.25)
%lower_left_lowerer = 0
%AU1R = right_inner_raiser * (1 - right_outer_raiser) * (1 - right_lowerer)
%AU1L = left_inner_raiser * (1 - left_outer_raiser) * (1 - left_lowerer)
%AU2R = right_outer_raiser * (1 - right_inner_raiser) * (1 - right_lowerer)
%AU2L = left_outer_raiser * (1 - left_inner_raiser) * (1 - left_lowerer)
%AU4R = right_lowerer * (1 - right_inner_raiser) * (1 - right_outer_raiser)
%AU4L = left_lowerer * (1 - left_inner_raiser) * (1 - left_outer_raiser)
%AU1AU2AU4R = right_inner_raiser * right_outer_raiser * right_lowerer
%AU1AU2AU4L = left_inner_raiser * left_outer_raiser * left_lowerer
%AU1AU2R = right_inner_raiser * right_outer_raiser * (1 - right_lowerer) + %AU1AU2AU4R / 2
%AU1AU2L = left_inner_raiser * left_outer_raiser * (1 - left_lowerer) + %AU1AU2AU4L / 2
%AU1AU4R = right_inner_raiser * (1 - right_outer_raiser) * right_lowerer + %AU1AU2AU4R / 2
%AU1AU4L = left_inner_raiser * (1 - left_outer_raiser) * left_lowerer + %AU1AU2AU4L / 2
%AU2AU4R = right_outer_raiser * (1 - right_inner_raiser) * right_lowerer + %AU1AU2AU4R / 2
%AU2AU4L = left_outer_raiser * (1 - left_inner_raiser) * left_lowerer + %AU1AU2AU4L / 2
%AU38 = dilator
%right_open = right_part + right_puckerer + right_funneler + right_upper_raiser * 0.5 + %lower_lip_active
%left_open = left_part + left_puckerer + left_funneler + left_upper_raiser * 0.5 + %lower_lip_active
%right_lip_suppressor = (1 - presser) * (1 - %biter)
%left_lip_suppressor = (1 - presser) * (1 - %biter)
%AU6R = right_cheek_raiser
%AU6L = left_cheek_raiser
%right_scaled_part = right_part * (1 - right_puckerer * (1 / 2 - right_funneler * 1 / 6) - right_funneler * 1 / 4) * %right_lip_suppressor
%left_scaled_part = left_part * (1 - left_puckerer * (1 / 2 - left_funneler * 1 / 6) - left_funneler * 1 / 4) * %left_lip_suppressor
%AU25R = %right_scaled_part * (1 - right_corner_puller)
%AU25L = %left_scaled_part * (1 - left_corner_puller)
%AU12AU25R = %right_scaled_part * right_corner_puller
%AU12AU25L = %left_scaled_part * left_corner_puller
%AU18R = right_puckerer * (1 - right_part * (1 / 2 - right_funneler * 1 / 6) - right_funneler * 1 / 4) * %right_lip_suppressor
%AU18L = left_puckerer * (1 - left_part * (1 / 2 - left_funneler * 1 / 6) - left_funneler * 1 / 4) * %left_lip_suppressor
%AU22R = right_funneler * (1 - right_part * (1 / 2 - right_puckerer * 1 / 3) - right_puckerer * 1 / 2) * %right_lip_suppressor
%AU22L = left_funneler * (1 - left_part * (1 / 2 - left_puckerer * 1 / 3) - left_puckerer * 1 / 2) * %left_lip_suppressor
%right_raiser_suppressor = (1 - 0.3 * %AU22R) * (1 - 0.5 * %AU18R) * (1 - presser) * (1 - %biter) * (1 - right_corner_puller) * (1 - 0.5 * jaw_drop)
%left_raiser_suppressor = (1 - 0.3 * %AU22L) * (1 - 0.5 * %AU18L) * (1 - presser) * (1 - %biter) * (1 - left_corner_puller) * (1 - 0.5 * jaw_drop)
%AU9R = right_wrinkler * %right_raiser_suppressor * (1 - right_upper_raiser)
%AU9L = left_wrinkler * %left_raiser_suppressor * (1 - left_upper_raiser)
%AU10R = right_upper_raiser * %right_raiser_suppressor
%AU10L = left_upper_raiser * %left_raiser_suppressor
%AU25R = %AU25R * (1 - %AU10R) * (1 - %AU9R)
%AU25L = %AU25L * (1 - %AU10L) * (1 - %AU9L)
%AU17R = chin_raiser * (1 - jaw_drop * 0.5) * (1 - %biter) * max(0, (1 - 2 * (%AU25R + %AU12AU25R + %AU18R + %AU22R + %AU10R)))
%AU17L = chin_raiser * (1 - jaw_drop * 0.5) * (1 - %biter) * max(0, (1 - 2 * (%AU25L + %AU12AU25L + %AU18L + %AU22L + %AU10L)))
%right_depressor_suppressor = 1 / (%AU18R * 0.8 + %AU22R * 0.8 + %AU17R + %biter + right_corner_puller + right_stretcher + right_corner_depressor)
%left_depressor_suppressor = 1 / (%AU18L * 0.8 + %AU22L * 0.8 + %AU17L + %biter + left_corner_puller + left_stretcher + left_corner_depressor)
%AU15R = right_corner_depressor * right_corner_depressor * %right_depressor_suppressor
%AU15L = left_corner_depressor * left_corner_depressor * %left_depressor_suppressor
%right_corner_suppressor = 1 / (%AU18R * 0.8 + %AU22R * 0.8 + %AU17R + %biter + right_corner_puller + right_stretcher + right_corner_depressor) * (1 - jaw_drop * 0.25)
%left_corner_suppressor = 1 / (%AU18L * 0.8 + %AU22L * 0.8 + %AU17L + %biter + left_corner_puller + left_stretcher + left_corner_depressor) * (1 - jaw_drop * 0.25)
%AU12R = right_corner_puller * right_corner_puller * %right_corner_suppressor * (1 - right_part)
%AU12L = left_corner_puller * left_corner_puller * %left_corner_suppressor * (1 - left_part)
%AU20R = right_stretcher * right_stretcher * %right_corner_suppressor
%AU20L = left_stretcher * left_stretcher * %left_corner_suppressor
%right_drop_suppressor = 1 / (0.5 * %right_open + right_mouth_drop) * (1 - presser) * (1 - %biter)
%left_drop_suppressor = 1 / (0.5 * %left_open + left_mouth_drop) * (1 - presser) * (1 - %biter)
%right_drop = right_mouth_drop * right_mouth_drop * %right_drop_suppressor
%left_drop = left_mouth_drop * left_mouth_drop * %left_drop_suppressor
%right_au_open = min((%AU18R + %AU25R + %AU12AU25R + 0.5 * %AU22R + %AU20R + %AU12R), 1)
%left_au_open = min((%AU18L + %AU25L + %AU12AU25L + 0.5 * %AU22L + %AU20L + %AU12L), 1)
%AU32 = bite
%AU24 = presser + (1 - presser) * tightener
%AU31 = jaw_clencher * jaw_clencher / (jaw_clencher + min(jaw_drop, 1))
%AD96L = max(-mouth_sideways, 0) * (1 - 0.5 * %right_au_open) * (1 - %right_drop * jaw_drop * 0.25) * (1 - 0.5 * %biter)
%AD96R = max(mouth_sideways, 0) * (1 - 0.5 * %left_au_open) * (1 - %right_drop * jaw_drop * 0.25) * (1 - 0.5 * %biter)
%AD30L = max(-jaw_sideways, 0)
%AD30R = max(jaw_sideways, 0)
%jaw_overage = max(0, ((jaw_drop - 1) * (1 - presser) * (1 - %biter) * (1 - 0.5 * max(%right_au_open, %left_au_open))))
%jaw_underage = min(jaw_drop, 1) - %jaw_overage
%jaw_blend = jaw_drop / (jaw_clencher + jaw_drop)
%AU26R = %jaw_underage * (1 - %right_drop) * %jaw_blend
%AU26L = %jaw_underage * (1 - %left_drop) * %jaw_blend
%AU27R = %jaw_underage * %right_drop * %jaw_blend
%AU27L = %jaw_underage * %left_drop * %jaw_blend
%AU26ZR = %jaw_overage * (1 - %right_drop) * %jaw_blend
%AU26ZL = %jaw_overage * (1 - %left_drop) * %jaw_blend
%AU27ZR = %jaw_overage * %right_drop * %jaw_blend
%AU27ZL = %jaw_overage * %left_drop * %jaw_blend
%AU22ZR = max(0, (%AU22R - 1))
%AU22ZL = max(0, (%AU22L - 1))
%AU22R = min(%AU22R, 1) - %AU22ZR
%AU22L = min(%AU22L, 1) - %AU22ZL
%AU16L = %lower_lip_active * %left_lip_suppressor * (1 - %left_au_open)
%AU16R = %lower_lip_active * %right_lip_suppressor * (1 - %right_au_open)
%mouth = %AU27R * 0.5 + %AU27L * 0.5 + %AU27ZR * 0.5 + %AU27ZL * 0.5 + %AU26ZR * 0.35 + %AU26ZL * 0.35 + %AU22R * 0.35 + %AU22L * 0.35 + %AU18R * 0.25 + %AU18L * 0.25 + %AU25R * 0.35 + %AU25L * 0.35 + %AU32 * 0.5 + %AU12AU25R * 0.5 + %AU12AU25L * 0.5 + %AU16L * 0.3 + %AU16R * 0.3 + %AU10R * 0.5 + %AU10L * 0.5
%AU13R = right_cheek_puffer * max(0, (1 - %mouth * 3))
%AU13L = left_cheek_puffer * max(0, (1 - %mouth * 3))
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$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine4"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger4"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger41"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger42"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger3"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger31"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger32"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger2"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger21"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger22"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger1"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger11"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger12"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger0"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger01"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Finger02"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Clavicle"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Finger4"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Finger41"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Finger42"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Finger3"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Finger31"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Finger32"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Finger2"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Finger21"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Finger22"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Finger1"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Finger11"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Finger12"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Finger0"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Finger01"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Finger02"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.weapon_bone"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.weapon_bone_Clip"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.L_weapon_bone"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Ulna"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Wrist"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Wrist"
$bonemerge "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Ulna"
$proceduralbones "survivor_teenangst.vrd"
$jigglebone "ValveBiped.jiggle_holster"
length 10
tip_mass 1000
pitch_constraint -3 3
pitch_friction 0
pitch_bounce 0
yaw_constraint -74.999999 -15.000001
yaw_friction 0
yaw_bounce 1
$jigglebone "ValveBiped.jiggy_hair_ponytail_01"
length 5
tip_mass 2000
pitch_constraint 0 79.999998
pitch_friction 0
pitch_bounce 0
yaw_constraint -50.000001 50.000001
yaw_friction 0
yaw_bounce 0
$jigglebone "ValveBiped.jiggy_hair_ponytail_02"
length 5
tip_mass 2000
pitch_constraint 0 30.000001
pitch_friction 5
pitch_bounce 0
yaw_constraint -50.000001 50.000001
yaw_friction 0
yaw_bounce 0
$jigglebone "ValveBiped.jiggy_hair_lsideburn"
length 10
tip_mass 100
pitch_stiffness 100
pitch_damping 5
yaw_stiffness 100
yaw_damping 5
along_stiffness 100
along_damping 0
pitch_constraint 0 30.000001
pitch_friction 5
pitch_bounce 0
$jigglebone "ValveBiped.jiggy_hair_lbang_01"
length 5
tip_mass 1000
pitch_stiffness 100
pitch_damping 5
yaw_stiffness 100
yaw_damping 5
along_stiffness 100
along_damping 0
pitch_constraint 0 79.999998
pitch_friction 0
pitch_bounce 0
$jigglebone "ValveBiped.jiggy_hair_rbang"
length 10
tip_mass 100
pitch_stiffness 100
pitch_damping 5
yaw_stiffness 100
yaw_damping 5
along_stiffness 100
along_damping 0
pitch_constraint 0 30.000001
pitch_friction 5
pitch_bounce 0
$jigglebone "ValveBiped.jiggy_hair_rsideburn"
length 10
tip_mass 100
pitch_stiffness 100
pitch_damping 5
yaw_stiffness 100
yaw_damping 5
along_stiffness 100
along_damping 0
pitch_constraint 0 30.000001
pitch_friction 5
pitch_bounce 0
$jigglebone "Breast1"
base_mass 0
stiffness 500
damping 4
left_constraint -1 1
left_friction 1
up_constraint -1 1
up_friction 1
forward_constraint -1 1
forward_friction 2
$jigglebone "Breast2"
base_mass 0
stiffness 500
damping 4
left_constraint -1 1
left_friction 1
up_constraint -1 1
up_friction 1
forward_constraint -1 1
forward_friction 2
$poseparameter "body_pitch" -90 90 loop 360
$poseparameter "body_yaw" -90 90 loop 360
$poseparameter "head_pitch" -90 90 loop 360
$poseparameter "head_yaw" -90 90 loop 360
$ikchain "rhand" "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" knee 0.707 0.707 0
$ikchain "lhand" "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand" knee 0.707 0.707 0
$ikchain "rfoot" "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot" knee 0.707 -0.707 0
$ikchain "lfoot" "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Foot" knee 0.707 -0.707 0
$ikchain "ikclip" "ValveBiped.weapon_bone_Clip" knee 0.707 -0.707 0
$ikautoplaylock "rfoot" 1 0.1
$ikautoplaylock "lfoot" 1 0.1
$sequence "TeenAngst" {
fadein 0.2
fadeout 0.2
fps 30
ikrule "rhand" release
ikrule "lhand" release
ikrule "rfoot" release
ikrule "lfoot" release
ikrule "ikclip" release
$sequence "ragdoll" {
activity "ACT_DIERAGDOLL" 1
fadein 0.2
fadeout 0.2
fps 30
ikrule "rhand" release
ikrule "lhand" release
ikrule "rfoot" release
ikrule "lfoot" release
ikrule "ikclip" release
$includemodel "survivors/anim_TeenAngst.mdl"
$includemodel "survivors/gestures_TeenAngst.mdl"
$collisionjoints "survivor_teenangst_physics.smd"
$mass 100
$inertia 10
$damping 0.05
$rotdamping 5
$rootbone "valvebiped.bip01_pelvis"
$jointrotdamping "ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis" 3
$jointmassbias "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1" 8
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1" x limit -10 10 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1" y limit -16 16 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1" z limit -20 30 0
$jointmassbias "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2" 9
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2" x limit -10 10 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2" y limit -10 10 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2" z limit -20 20 0
$jointmassbias "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Clavicle" 4
$jointrotdamping "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Clavicle" 6
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Clavicle" x limit -15 15 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Clavicle" y limit -10 10 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Clavicle" z limit 0 45 0
$jointmassbias "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle" 4
$jointrotdamping "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle" 6
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle" x limit -15 15 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle" y limit -10 10 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle" z limit 0 45 0
$jointmassbias "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm" 5
$jointrotdamping "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm" 2
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$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm" y limit -40 32 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm" z limit -80 25 0
$jointmassbias "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm" 4
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$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm" x limit -40 15 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm" y limit 0 0 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm" z limit -120 10 0
$jointrotdamping "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand" 1
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand" x limit -25 25 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand" y limit -35 35 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand" z limit -50 50 0
$jointmassbias "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm" 5
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$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm" x limit -15 20 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm" y limit -40 32 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm" z limit -80 25 0
$jointmassbias "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm" 4
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$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm" y limit 0 0 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm" z limit -120 10 0
$jointrotdamping "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" 1
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" x limit -25 25 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" y limit -35 35 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" z limit -50 50 0
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$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh" y limit -10 15 0
$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh" z limit -55 25 0
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$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf" z limit -10 115 0
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$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot" z limit -30 50 0
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$jointconstrain "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf" z limit -10 115 0
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$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf" "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Foot"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Calf" "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Calf"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh" "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2" "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2" "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1" "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1" "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2" "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_UpperArm"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine2" "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Spine1"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm" "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Forearm"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Forearm" "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_UpperArm"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand" "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Thigh"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand" "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Thigh"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand" "ValveBiped.Bip01_Pelvis"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Hand"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Hand"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" "ValveBiped.Bip01_R_Clavicle"
$jointcollide "ValveBiped.Bip01_Head1" "ValveBiped.Bip01_L_Clavicle"
Пробовал использовать версию crowbar 0.35, дефолтные настройки, компилирует без ошибок но в итоге модель получается без зрачков.
Сообщение отредактировал Armored1982: 04 Апрель 2019 - 13:38