L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:41: SourceMod error session started
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:41: Info (map "de_dust") (file "errors_20140831.log")
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:41: [SM] Plugin encountered error 21: Native is not bound
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:41: [SM] Native "BfWriteByte" reported:
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:41: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "anticamp.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:41: [SM] [0] Line 657, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::SayText2()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:41: [SM] [1] Line 483, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::CaughtCampingTimer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:41: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:41: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "sm_knifeupgrade.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:41: [SM] [0] Line 78, C:\Users\jkingsley.OSBORN\Documents\Sourcemod\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\csgocolors.inc::CPrintToChat()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:41: [SM] [1] Line 457, C:\Users\jkingsley.OSBORN\Documents\Sourcemod\addons\sourcemod\scripting\sm_knifeupgrade.sp::SetM9()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:41: [SM] [2] Line 637, C:\Users\jkingsley.OSBORN\Documents\Sourcemod\addons\sourcemod\scripting\sm_knifeupgrade.sp::ShowKnifeMenuHandler()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:42: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:42: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "anticamp.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:42: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:42: [SM] [1] Line 655, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::SayText2()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:42: [SM] [2] Line 483, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::CaughtCampingTimer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:43: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:43: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "anticamp.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:43: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:43: [SM] [1] Line 655, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::SayText2()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:43: [SM] [2] Line 483, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::CaughtCampingTimer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:44: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:44: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "anticamp.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:44: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:44: [SM] [1] Line 655, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::SayText2()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:44: [SM] [2] Line 483, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::CaughtCampingTimer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:44: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:44: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "smac.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:44: [SM] [0] Line 70, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\sm151\include\colors.inc::CPrintToChat()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:44: [SM] [1] Line 166, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\sm151\smac.sp::Timer_WelcomeMsg()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:45: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:45: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:45: [SM] [0] Line 329, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\halflife.inc::PrintToChatAll()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:45: [SM] [1] Line 2435, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::MoveAFKClient()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:45: [SM] [2] Line 2294, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::CheckForAFK()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:45: [SM] [3] Line 1893, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::Timer_CheckPlayer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:45: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:45: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "anticamp.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:45: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:45: [SM] [1] Line 655, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::SayText2()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:45: [SM] [2] Line 483, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::CaughtCampingTimer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:45: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:45: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "advertisements.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:45: [SM] [0] Line 263, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\sm152\advertisements.sp::Timer_DisplayAds()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:46: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:46: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "anticamp.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:46: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:46: [SM] [1] Line 655, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::SayText2()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:46: [SM] [2] Line 483, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::CaughtCampingTimer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:47: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:47: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "anticamp.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:47: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:47: [SM] [1] Line 655, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::SayText2()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:47: [SM] [2] Line 483, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::CaughtCampingTimer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:48: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:48: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "anticamp.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:48: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:48: [SM] [1] Line 655, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::SayText2()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:48: [SM] [2] Line 483, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::CaughtCampingTimer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:49: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:49: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "roundendsound.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:49: [SM] [0] Line 1934, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\sm153\roundendsound.sp::Timer_WelcomeMsg()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:49: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:49: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "anticamp.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:49: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:49: [SM] [1] Line 655, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::SayText2()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:49: [SM] [2] Line 483, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::CaughtCampingTimer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:50: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:50: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:50: [SM] [0] Line 329, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\halflife.inc::PrintToChatAll()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:50: [SM] [1] Line 2435, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::MoveAFKClient()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:50: [SM] [2] Line 2294, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::CheckForAFK()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:50: [SM] [3] Line 1893, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::Timer_CheckPlayer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:50: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:50: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "anticamp.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:50: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:50: [SM] [1] Line 655, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::SayText2()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:50: [SM] [2] Line 483, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::CaughtCampingTimer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:51: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:51: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "anticamp.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:51: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:51: [SM] [1] Line 655, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::SayText2()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:51: [SM] [2] Line 483, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::CaughtCampingTimer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:52: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:52: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "anticamp.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:52: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:52: [SM] [1] Line 655, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::SayText2()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:52: [SM] [2] Line 483, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::CaughtCampingTimer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:53: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:53: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "anticamp.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:53: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:53: [SM] [1] Line 655, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::SayText2()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:53: [SM] [2] Line 483, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::CaughtCampingTimer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:54: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:54: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "anticamp.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:54: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:54: [SM] [1] Line 655, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::SayText2()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:54: [SM] [2] Line 483, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::CaughtCampingTimer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:55: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:55: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:55: [SM] [0] Line 329, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\halflife.inc::PrintToChatAll()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:55: [SM] [1] Line 2435, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::MoveAFKClient()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:55: [SM] [2] Line 2294, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::CheckForAFK()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:55: [SM] [3] Line 1893, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::Timer_CheckPlayer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:55: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:55: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "anticamp.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:55: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:55: [SM] [1] Line 655, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::SayText2()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:55: [SM] [2] Line 483, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::CaughtCampingTimer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:56: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:56: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "anticamp.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:56: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:56: [SM] [1] Line 655, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::SayText2()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:56: [SM] [2] Line 483, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\anticamp.sp::CaughtCampingTimer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:57: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:57: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:57: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:57: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:57: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:57: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:57: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:57: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:57: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:57: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:57: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:57: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:57: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:57: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:57: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:57: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:58: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:58: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:58: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:58: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:58: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:58: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:58: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:58: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:58: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:58: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:58: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:58: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:58: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:58: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:58: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:58: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:59: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:59: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "sm_knifeupgrade.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:59: [SM] [0] Line 78, C:\Users\jkingsley.OSBORN\Documents\Sourcemod\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\csgocolors.inc::CPrintToChat()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:19:59: [SM] [1] Line 302, C:\Users\jkingsley.OSBORN\Documents\Sourcemod\addons\sourcemod\scripting\sm_knifeupgrade.sp::Timer_Welcome_Message()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:02: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:02: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "roundendsound.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:02: [SM] [0] Line 1934, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\sm153\roundendsound.sp::Timer_WelcomeMsg()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:04: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:04: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:04: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:04: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:08: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:08: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:08: [SM] [0] Line 2283, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::CheckForAFK()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:08: [SM] [1] Line 1893, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::Timer_CheckPlayer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:13: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:13: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:13: [SM] [0] Line 2283, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::CheckForAFK()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:13: [SM] [1] Line 1893, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::Timer_CheckPlayer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:14: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:14: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "smac.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:14: [SM] [0] Line 70, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\sm151\include\colors.inc::CPrintToChat()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:14: [SM] [1] Line 166, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\sm151\smac.sp::Timer_WelcomeMsg()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:15: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:15: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:15: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:15: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:15: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:15: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "advertisements.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:15: [SM] [0] Line 263, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\sm152\advertisements.sp::Timer_DisplayAds()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:17: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:17: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:17: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:17: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:17: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:17: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:17: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:17: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:17: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:17: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:17: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:17: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:18: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:18: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:18: [SM] [0] Line 2283, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::CheckForAFK()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:18: [SM] [1] Line 1893, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::Timer_CheckPlayer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:18: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:18: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "roundendsound.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:18: [SM] [0] Line 1934, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\sm153\roundendsound.sp::Timer_WelcomeMsg()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:20: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:20: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:20: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:20: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:23: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:23: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:23: [SM] [0] Line 2283, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::CheckForAFK()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:23: [SM] [1] Line 1893, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::Timer_CheckPlayer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:23: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:23: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:23: [SM] [0] Line 2283, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::CheckForAFK()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:23: [SM] [1] Line 1893, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::Timer_CheckPlayer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:24: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:24: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:24: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:24: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "roundendsound.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:25: [SM] [0] Line 1973, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\sm153\roundendsound.sp::Timer_SoundPlay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:28: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:28: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:28: [SM] [0] Line 2283, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::CheckForAFK()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:28: [SM] [1] Line 1893, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::Timer_CheckPlayer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:28: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:28: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:28: [SM] [0] Line 2283, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::CheckForAFK()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:28: [SM] [1] Line 1893, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::Timer_CheckPlayer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:28: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:28: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:28: [SM] [0] Line 2283, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::CheckForAFK()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:28: [SM] [1] Line 1893, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::Timer_CheckPlayer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:29: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:29: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "sm_knifeupgrade.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:29: [SM] [0] Line 78, C:\Users\jkingsley.OSBORN\Documents\Sourcemod\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\csgocolors.inc::CPrintToChat()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:29: [SM] [1] Line 302, C:\Users\jkingsley.OSBORN\Documents\Sourcemod\addons\sourcemod\scripting\sm_knifeupgrade.sp::Timer_Welcome_Message()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:33: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:33: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:33: [SM] [0] Line 2283, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::CheckForAFK()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:33: [SM] [1] Line 1893, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::Timer_CheckPlayer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:33: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:33: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:33: [SM] [0] Line 2283, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::CheckForAFK()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:33: [SM] [1] Line 1893, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::Timer_CheckPlayer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:33: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:33: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:33: [SM] [0] Line 2283, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::CheckForAFK()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:33: [SM] [1] Line 1893, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::Timer_CheckPlayer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:33: [SM] Native "StartMessage" reported: Unable to execute a new message, there is already one in progress
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:33: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "hlstatsx.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:33: [SM] [0] Line 217, C:\Users\BombermaG\Desktop\sourcemod-1.5.3-windows\addons\sourcemod\scripting\include\usermessages.inc::StartMessageOne()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:33: [SM] [1] Line 1193, hlstatsx.sp::hlx_sm_psay()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:38: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:38: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "afk_manager.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:38: [SM] [0] Line 2240, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::CheckForAFK()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:38: [SM] [1] Line 1893, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\vip\afk_manager.sp::Timer_CheckPlayer()
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:45: [SM] Native "PrintToChat" reported: Could not send a usermessage
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:45: [SM] Displaying call stack trace for plugin "advertisements.smx":
L 08/31/2014 - 18:20:45: [SM] [0] Line 263, C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\sm152\advertisements.sp::Timer_DisplayAds()