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Как мне на eventscript создать вопрос ?

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#1 matador19rus



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Отправлено 07 Август 2012 - 13:51

чтоб при команде !pr - Начиналось голосование за включение липых гранат (NAPALM)
как RTV собирались голосование а в конце (через 5-10 голосов появлялся вопрос о включении этого плагина )

или вообще другого плагина

#2 fedvip



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Отправлено 07 Август 2012 - 14:38

Удали event.

#3 matador19rus



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Отправлено 08 Август 2012 - 5:22

Да не удалю я этот евент
лучше скажите как сделать ?

#4 September


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Отправлено 08 Август 2012 - 8:18

Никак. У тебя стабильности никакой не будет, еще и взломают

#5 matador19rus



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Отправлено 08 Август 2012 - 19:34

да мне пох главное скажите как это сделать ?:)

#6 QwaTrix


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Отправлено 08 Август 2012 - 19:36

да мне пох главное скажите как это сделать ?:)


#7 matador19rus



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Отправлено 09 Август 2012 - 20:32

не ну и ты извени ну мне надо на евент
мне нужен скрипт
а можно вопрос (голосование как ртв ) поставить на сурсмод на включение плагина евент ?

#8 Vitamin


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Отправлено 09 Август 2012 - 20:37

EventScript довольно гибок там можно много вещей сделать раньше я использовал его щас уже не помню ничего, но там довольно много аппетитных команд и переменных.
введи в rcon консоли cvarlist и там ищи команды и переменные с префиксом es_ и смотри через help что они обозначают а дальше переводи то что напишет в ответ.

#9 matador19rus



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Отправлено 11 Август 2012 - 15:14

а как на сурсмоде п
оставить вопрос как ртв только для включение плагина сурсмод ?

#10 matador19rus



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Отправлено 11 Август 2012 - 15:59

es : cmd : : Mattie's EventScripts variable parsing usage: es This will execute after parsing it for it
es__clientcmdproxy : cmd : : Internal ES Command
es__cmdproxy : cmd : : Internal ES Command
es__createentity : cmd : : EventScripts internal command.
es__createentity2 : cmd : : EventScripts internal command.
es__db : cmd : : Internal command
es__de : cmd : : Internal commandn
es__disable : cmd : : EventScripts internal command. Expands event and server variables.
es__dispatcheffect : cmd : : EventScripts internal command.
es__eb : cmd : : Internal command
es__entblock : cmd : : EventScripts internal command.
es__entsetname : cmd : : EventScripts internal command.
es__ep : cmd : : Internal command used by EventScripts. Do not use unless you're willing to crash your server.
es__findoffset : cmd : : Expands event and server variables.
es__fire : cmd : : EventScripts internal command.
es__foreachkey : cmd : : EXPERIMENTAL. Loops through a keygroup and performs a single command on each key, providing a single variable with the key name
es__foreachval : cmd : : EXPERIMENTAL. Loops through a keygroup and performs a single command on each key, providing a single variable with the key name
es__give : cmd : : EventScripts internal command.
es__ip : cmd : : Internal command
es__prop_dynamic_create : cmd : : EventScripts internal command.
es__prop_physics_create : cmd : : EventScripts internal command.
es__pyevent : cmd : : Executes a python line of code.
es__remove : cmd : : EventScripts internal command.
es__sb : cmd : : Internal command
es__setang : cmd : : EventScripts internal command.
es__setpos : cmd : : EventScripts internal command.
es__unload : cmd : : EventScripts internal command. Expands event and server variables.
es_botsetvalue : cmd : : Sets a convar value for a fake client. Expands event and server variables.
es_centermsg : cmd : : Broadcasts a centered HUD message to all players. Expands event and server variables.
es_centertell : cmd : : Sends a centered HUD message to all players. Expands event and server variables.
es_cexec : cmd : : Forces a userid to execute a command in their console. Expands event and server variables.
es_cexec_all : cmd : : Forces all users to execute a command in their console. Expands event and server variables.
es_changeteam : cmd : : Changes the team of the player. Expands event and server variables.
es_commandv : cmd : : Just runs a command-string inside of the variable. Expands event and server variables.
es_copy : cmd : : Reads the server variable referenced by varname2 and copies it into the variable referenced by varname. Expands event and serv
es_corelib_ver : 2 : , "nf", "rep" : Custom server variable.
es_createbot : cmd : : Adds a bot to the server. Expands event and server variables.
es_createentitylist : cmd : : Creates a keygroup for an entity class or for all entities. Expands event and server variables.
es_createplayerlist : cmd : : Creates a new keygroup containing the current list of players. Expands event and server variables.
es_createscriptlist : cmd : : Creates a new keygroup containing the current list of players. Expands event and server variables.
es_createvectorfrompoints : cmd : : Creates a vector-string that goes from point/vector A to point/vector B. Expands event and server variables.
es_createvectorstring : cmd : : Creates a string form of three x y z variables representing a vector. Expands event and server variables.
es_dbgmsg : cmd : : Prints a debug message for EventScripts Expands event and server variables.
es_dbgmsgv : cmd : : Prints a debug message for EventScripts Expands event and server variables.
es_delayed : cmd : : Will run , after seconds. Expands event and server variables.
es_disable : cmd : : Disables a script that has been loaded. Expands event and server variables.
es_doblock : cmd : : Executes a block. Expands event and server variables.
es_dosql : cmd : : Does some SQL. Expands event and server variables.
es_dumpentities : cmd : : Dumps to console all server classes and properties for all entities.
es_dumpserverclasses : cmd : : Dumps to the console all server classes.
es_dumpstringtable : cmd : : Update an entry in a stringtable Expands event and server variables.
es_dumpstringtables : cmd : : Dump string tables.
es_dumpusermessages : cmd : : Dump UserMessage list for the Source mod.
es_effect : cmd : : Performs a particular effect. Expands event and server variables.
es_emitsound : cmd : : Plays a sound from an entity. Expands event and server variables.
es_enable : cmd : : Enables a script that has been loaded. Expands event and server variables.
es_entcreate : cmd : : Creates an entity where a player is looking. Expands event and server variables.
es_entsetname : cmd : : Names the entity the player is looking at. (DOES NOT SET PLAYER NAME) Expands event and server variables.
es_escinputbox : cmd : : Sends an ESC input box to a player. Expands event and server variables.
es_escmenu : cmd : : Sends an ESC menu to a player. Expands event and server variables.
es_esctextbox : cmd : : Sends an ESC textbox to a player. Expands event and server variables.
es_event : cmd : : Create and fire events to signal to plugins that an event has happened. It must be an event loaded via es_loadevents. Expands e
es_exists : cmd : : Checks whether a keygroup, keys, variable, or function exists. Expands event and server variables.
es_fadevolume : cmd : : Fades the volume for a client. Expands event and server variables.
es_fire : cmd : : Fires an entity trigger. Expands event and server variables.
es_flags : cmd : : Adds or removes the cheat flag from a command or variable. (EXPERIMENTAL/UNSUPPORTED) Expands event and server variables.
es_forcevalue : cmd : : Forces a variable to a particular value Expands event and server variables.
es_foreachkey : cmd : : EXPERIMENTAL. Loops through a keygroup and performs a single command on each key, providing a single variable with the key name
es_foreachval : cmd : : EXPERIMENTAL. Loops through a keygroup and performs a single command on each key, providing a single variable with the key name
es_format : cmd : : Allows you to format a string by filling in a list of strings into a format string. Expands event and server variables.
es_formatqv : cmd : : Allows you to format a string by filling in a list of strings into a format string. Expands event and server variables.
es_formatv : cmd : : Allows you to format a string by filling in a list of variable's strings into a format string. Expands event and server variabl
es_getargc : cmd : : Gets the count of parameters passed to the current ES console command. Expands event and server variables.
es_getargs : cmd : : Gets the commandstring passed to the current ES console command. Expands event and server variables.
es_getargv : cmd : : Gets the command parameter passed to the current ES console command. Expands event and server variables.
es_getclientvar : cmd : : Reads a console variable from a given player. Expands event and server variables.
es_getcmduserid : cmd : : Gets the userid of the user that executed the command. Expands event and server variables.
es_getentityindex : cmd : : Gets the index for the first named entity found by that name. Returns -1 if not found. Expands event and server variables.
es_getgame : cmd : : Returns the name of the Source game being played. Expands event and server variables.
es_getgravityvector : cmd : : Returns the gravity vector. Expands event and server variables.
es_getindexprop : cmd : : Gets a server class property for a particular entity index Expands event and server variables.
es_getlivingplayercount : cmd : : Stores the count of living players on the server into a variable. Optionally a team can be specified. Returns -1 on error. Exp
es_getmaxplayercount : cmd : : Stores the maximum number of player slots the server allows. Expands event and server variables.
es_getmoney : cmd : : Stores the player's money value in a variable. (CS:S only) Expands event and server variables.
es_getplayercount : cmd : : Stores the count of players on the server into a variable. Optionally a team can be specified. Returns -1 on error. Expands ev
es_getplayerhandle : cmd : : Gets the handle for a player class property using an entity handle (Untested) Expands event and server variables.
es_getplayerlocation : cmd : : Stores the player's current x, y, and z location (in 3 different variables). Expands event and server variables.
es_getplayermovement : cmd : : Stores the player's current forward movement value, side movement value, and upward movement value (in 3 different variables).
es_getplayername : cmd : : Stores the player's name in the variable. Expands event and server variables.
es_getplayerprop : cmd : : Gets a server class property for a particular player Expands event and server variables.
es_getplayersteamid : cmd : : Stores the player's STEAMID in the variable. Expands event and server variables.
es_getplayerteam : cmd : : Stores the player's team # in the variable. Expands event and server variables.
es_gettime : cmd : : Stores the server time in a variable. Expands event and server variables.
es_gettimestamp : cmd : : Stores a timestamp in seconds in a variable. gettimestamp provides a shorter timestamp only for comparing against other es_gett
es_gettimestring : cmd : : Stores the server time string in a variable. Expands event and server variables.
es_getuserid : cmd : : Looks-up a userid based on the string provided. Checks it against a userid, steamid, exact name, and partial name. (Based on Ma
es_give : cmd : : Gives the player a named item. Expands event and server variables.
es_install : cmd : : Installs approved addons from the ESAM
es_isbot : cmd : : Checks a userid to see if it's a bot, stores 1 in the variable if so, 0 if not. Expands event and server variables.
es_keycreate : cmd : : Creates a key that can be free-floating or associated with a group. Must call es_keydelete to free this memory when you're done
es_keydelete : cmd : : Deletes a key from memory so that it's not leaked when you're done with it. Expands event and server variables.
es_keygetvalue : cmd : : Gets a value within a given key (where the key could be free-floating or associated with a group). Expands event and server va
es_keygroupcopy : cmd : : Copies a keygroup. Expands event and server variables.
es_keygroupcreate : cmd : : Creates a keygroup that can be loaded and saved to a file. Must call es_keygroupdelete to free this memory! Expands event and
es_keygroupdelete : cmd : : Deletes a keygroup from memory so that it's not leaked. Expands event and server variables.
es_keygroupfilter : cmd : : Deletes keys from a keygroup that match or don't match a certain value. Expands event and server variables.
es_keygrouplist : cmd : : Lists all in-memory keygroups.
es_keygroupload : cmd : : Loads a keygroup from file based on its name. Expands event and server variables.
es_keygroupmsg : cmd : : Sends a keygroup-based message to a player. Expands event and server variables.
es_keygrouprename : cmd : : Renames an existing keygroup. Expands event and server variables.
es_keygroupsave : cmd : : Saves a keygroup to a file based on its name. Expands event and server variables.
es_keylist : cmd : : Lists all key values in memory that aren't groups. Optionally can look up a group, if you provide one. Expands event and serve
es_keyrename : cmd : : Rename a key. Expands event and server variables.
es_keysetvalue : cmd : : Sets a value within a given key (where the key could be free-floating or associated with a group). Expands event and server va
es_lightstyle : cmd : : Set light style. Expands event and server variables.
es_load : cmd : : Loads a script or lists all loaded scripts if no script is provided. Expands event and server variables.
es_loadevents : cmd : : Reads an event file and registers EventScripts as a handler for those events. Expands event and server variables.
es_log : cmd : : Logs a message to the server log. Expands event and server variables.
es_logq : cmd : : Logs a message to the server log. Supports expanding EventScripts variables. Allows quotes.
es_logv : cmd : : Logs the text inside of a variable. Expands event and server variables.
es_makepublic : cmd : : Makes a console variable public such that changes to it are announced to clients. Expands event and server variables.
es_math : cmd : : EventScripts math functions, courtesy of Cr3V3TT3. Expands EventScripts variables for its parameters when found.
es_mathparse : cmd : : Adds a say command that refers to a particular block. Expands event and server variables.
es_menu : cmd : : (EST HOOK) - Syntax: es_menu ' '
es_menu : cmd : : Sends an AMX-Style menu to the users Expands event and server variables.
es_mexec : cmd : : Runs an exec file from memory. Expands event and server variables.
es_msg : cmd : : Broadcasts a message to all players. Will not expand any EventScripts variables. If the first word of the message is 'GREEN', o
es_physics : cmd : : Interface with the Source physics engine (physics gravity, object velocity, etc). Expands event and server variables.
es_playsound : cmd : : Plays a sound to a player. Expands event and server variables.
es_precachedecal : cmd : : Precache a decal and return its index. Expands event and server variables.
es_precachemodel : cmd : : Precache a model and return its index. Expands event and server variables.
es_precachesound : cmd : : Precache sound. Expands event and server variables.
es_prop_dynamic_create : cmd : : See prop_dynamic_create for syntax, but requires a userid first Expands event and server variables.
es_prop_physics_create : cmd : : See prop_physics_create for syntax, but requires a userid first. Expands event and server variables.
es_queryclientvar : cmd : : Sends a request to query a client's console variable. Expands event and server variables.
es_rand : cmd : : Place a random value between and to .
es_regclientcmd : cmd : : Adds a client command that refers to a particular block. Expands event and server variables.
es_regcmd : cmd : : Adds a console command that refers to a particular block. Expands event and server variables.
es_regex : cmd : : Various regular expression commands. Expands event and server variables.
es_regsaycmd : cmd : : Adds a say command that refers to a particular block. Expands event and server variables.
es_reload : cmd : : Reloads a script that is loaded. Expands event and server variables.
es_remove : cmd : : Removes an entity class Expands event and server variables.
es_scriptpacklist : cmd : : Lists the script packs running on the server. If a userid is provided, will es_tell the list to the user. Expands event and se
es_set : cmd : : Adds/sets a new server/global variable. Expands event and server variables.
es_setang : cmd : : Sets player view angle. Expands event and server variables.
es_setindexprop : cmd : : Sets a server class property for the given entity index Expands event and server variables.
es_setinfo : cmd : : Adds a new server/global variable. Expands event and server variables.
es_setplayerprop : cmd : : Sets a server class property for the given player Expands event and server variables.
es_setpos : cmd : : Teleports a player. Expands event and server variables.
es_setview : cmd : : Adds a console command that refers to a particular block. Expands event and server variables.
es_sexec : cmd : : Forces a userid to execute a command on the server console (bypassing client console). Expands event and server variables.
es_sexec_all : cmd : : Forces all users to execute a command on the server console. Expands event and server variables.
es_soon : cmd : : Adds a command to the end of the command queue. Expands event and server variables.
es_splitvectorstring : cmd : : Stores the vector's current x, y, and z as read from the vector in string form. Expands event and server variables.
es_sql : cmd : : Local database support Expands event and server variables.
es_stopsound : cmd : : Stops a specific sound for a player. Expands event and server variables.
es_strcmp : cmd : : Compares two strings. Expands event and server variables.
es_string : cmd : : EventScripts string functions, courtesy of Cr3V3TT3. (Supported operators: replace and section.) Expands EventScripts variables
es_stringtable : cmd : : Update an entry in a stringtable Expands event and server variables.
es_strlen : cmd : : Returns the length of a string. Expands event and server variables.
es_tell : cmd : : Sends HUD message to one player. If the first word of the message is '#green', or '#lightgreen' then the message is displayed i
es_token : cmd : : Set a variable to a particular token in the string. Syntax: es_token [token#] [tokenchar]
es_toptext : cmd : : Sends HUD message to one player. Expands event and server variables.
es_trick : cmd : : Miscellaneous tricky things. Expands event and server variables.
es_uninstall : cmd : : Uninstalls addons installed with es_install
es_unload : cmd : : Unloads a script that has been loaded. Expands event and server variables.
es_unregclientcmd : cmd : : Removes a client command that refers to a particular block. Expands event and server variables.
es_unregsaycmd : cmd : : Removes a say command that refers to a particular block. Expands event and server variables.
es_update : cmd : : Updates addons installed with es_install
es_usermsg : cmd : : Create and send a usermsg to a client. Expands event and server variables.
es_version : cmd : :
es_voicechat : cmd : : Allows you to control listening players. Expands event

#11 KeKc40


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Отправлено 11 Август 2012 - 16:42

а как на сурсмоде п
оставить вопрос как ртв только для включение плагина сурсмод ?

Что что??? Ты сам-то понял, что написал?? :?

#12 matador19rus



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Отправлено 11 Август 2012 - 18:23

да конечно

#13 KeKc40


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Отправлено 11 Август 2012 - 18:52

да конечно

xD :mrgreen:

#14 matador19rus



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Отправлено 11 Август 2012 - 19:31

лучше скажи как это создать (вопрос

#15 KeKc40


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Отправлено 11 Август 2012 - 19:42

лучше скажи как это создать (вопрос

Ты хочешь сделать на SourceMod голосование, в котором будет можно включить SourceMod, что за туфта??? :D

а как на сурсмоде п
оставить вопрос как ртв
только для включение плагина сурсмод ?

И еще, SourceMod - это не плагин... А rtv - это не вопрос...

#16 Vitamin


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Отправлено 11 Август 2012 - 19:44

лучше скажи как это создать (вопрос

Ты хочешь сделать на SourceMod голосование, в котором будет можно включить SourceMod, что за туфта??? :D

а как на сурсмоде п
оставить вопрос как ртв
только для включение плагина сурсмод ?

И еще, SourceMod - это не плагин... А rtv - это не вопрос...

И правда туфта, но можно сделать типо такого meta load номер плагина в meta list, а так и плагин залепить, хотя в customs votes вроде можно по мере голосования делать rcon команду.
Хотя у тебя по идеи если SM отключен, то и customs votes не будет работать, поэтому через event script делай вопрос...

#17 KeKc40


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Отправлено 11 Август 2012 - 19:57

лучше скажи как это создать (вопрос

Ты хочешь сделать на SourceMod голосование, в котором будет можно включить SourceMod, что за туфта??? :D

а как на сурсмоде п
оставить вопрос как ртв
только для включение плагина сурсмод ?

И еще, SourceMod - это не плагин... А rtv - это не вопрос...

И правда туфта, но можно сделать типо такого meta load номер плагина в meta list, а так и плагин залепить, хотя в customs votes вроде можно по мере голосования делать rcon команду.
Хотя у тебя по идеи если SM отключен, то и customs votes не будет работать, поэтому через event script делай вопрос...

Vitamin, а скажи, НАХЕРА игрокам нужно будет включать SourceMod голосованием? :D Теоретически сделать можно, но вот только непонятно зачем...

#18 KeKc40


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Отправлено 11 Август 2012 - 19:59

лучше скажи как это создать (вопрос

Ты хочешь сделать на SourceMod голосование, в котором будет можно включить SourceMod, что за туфта??? :D

а как на сурсмоде п
оставить вопрос как ртв
только для включение плагина сурсмод ?

И еще, SourceMod - это не плагин... А rtv - это не вопрос...

И правда туфта, но можно сделать типо такого meta load номер плагина в meta list, а так и плагин залепить, хотя в customs votes вроде можно по мере голосования делать rcon команду.
Хотя у тебя по идеи если SM отключен, то и customs votes не будет работать, поэтому через event script делай вопрос...

А хотя, может он имел ввиду, как сделать, чтобы можно было включать не сам SM, а определенный плагин на SM? :?

#19 Vitamin


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Отправлено 11 Август 2012 - 21:40

Я же написал сама идея туфта я не знаю зачем ему это да и + помойму через meta load сервер падает при запуске SM.

#20 matador19rus



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Отправлено 12 Август 2012 - 4:33

да мне пофиг пусть падает
мне на сурсмод нужен впорос (голосование) как ртв
только для включение плагина сурсмод

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