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#1 Mister_E


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 21:48

Всем привет... И снова я. Я не умею переводить плагины, даже еще и не дорос для этого ( интелект)
Кто может дать переводы плагинов:
- Simple-AutoSave
- AuthMe

Пожалуйста помогите школьнику:)

Скачать плагины через rghost тут

#2 deadanykey


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 21:50

LWC и AuthMe с переводом уже идут. Конфиг настройте.

#3 Mister_E


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 21:50

LWC и AuthMe с переводом уже идут. Конфиг настройте.

Как? Перм?

#4 deadanykey


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 21:52

Нет. Конфиг.
Для LWC - plugins/LWC/core.yml
Для AuthMe - plugins/AuyhMe/config.yml

#5 Mister_E


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 21:55

Скрытый текст

Я говорю что я полный 0. Я даже не знаю что мне с этим конфигом и делать.....

#6 Semen4ik


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:00

locale: en ==> locale: ru

В Authme аналогично

#7 Mister_E


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:02

locale: en ==> locale: ru

В Authme аналогично

а подробно??
Я должен сделать папку локал и кинуть туда lwc_ru.properties?

#8 Semen4ik


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:05

]# Core configurable options for LWC

# The language LWC will use, specified by the shortname. For example, English = en, French = fr, German = de,
# and so on
locale: en

# How often updates are batched to the database (in seconds). If set to a higher value than 10, you may have
# some unexpected results, especially if your server is prone to crashing.
flushInterval: 10

# LWC regularly caches protections locally to prevent the database from being queried as often. The default is 10000
# and for most servers is OK. LWC will also fill up to when the server is started automatically.
cacheSize: 10000

# How many protections are precached on startup. If set to -1, it will use the cacheSize value instead and precache
# as much as possible
precache: -1

# If true, players will be sent a notice in their chat box when they open a protection they have access to, but
# not their own unless is set to true
showNotices: true

# If true, players will be sent a notice in their chat box when they open a protection they own.
showMyNotices: false

# If true, ops will be considered LWC admins (e.g with a Permissions plugin, considered to have lwc.admin) and thus
# will have very destructive LWC commands.
opIsLWCAdmin: true

# If true, LWC will not log history about protections. If you are using LWC-Economy and this is disabled, you will
# NOT receive refunds for purchased protections
disableHistory: false

# if true, LWC will only allow protections to be created inside of Towns via the Towny plugin
townyBorders: false

# The permission node prefix that is used to match player groups when
# no supported permission plugin is found, e.g group.vip matches the player's group as vip
groupPrefix: 'group.'

# If you will be notified of LWC updates
updateNotifier: true

# "Fun" options

# Protections are only active when a player is online.
# So if a player is offline, anyone can access it. If the player is online, it functions normally
onlyProtectWhenOwnerIsOnline: false

# Protections are only active when a player is offline
onlyProtectWhenOwnerIsOffline: false

# Block IDs to automatically blocks from /lwc admin purge, /lwc admin expire, etc.
exemptBlocks: []

# Opt out of the optional metrics tooling
# Available online: http://metrics.grief...com/plugin/LWC/
optOut: false

# Blocks that cannot be placed around someone else's protection. This is most useful
- 166

# Players that are blocked from destroying any blocks protected by LWC. Mainly useful for MCPC
# where mods can remove blocks and try to break the block by sending an event first (e.g turtle)
- plr

# If protections limits will be enabled (defaults to unlimited protections)
useProtectionLimits: true

# Database information for LWC

# The database adapter to use, for example sqlite (default) or mysql
adapter: sqlite

# This is strictly for SQLite only and should be left alone. When changing to MySQL and this is left intact,
# LWC will automatically convert your protections from SQLite to MySQL
path: 'plugins/LWC/lwc.db'

# The MySQL host. You can specify a non-default port (3306) by adding :port, e.g host: 'localhost:3307'
host: 'localhost'

# The database LWC should use to store data (not necessary for SQLite)
database: 'lwc'

# The username LWC should use to connect to the server with (not necessary for SQLite)
username: ''

# The password LWC should use to connect to the server with (not necessary for SQLite)
password: ''

# The prefix for LWC tables. For example, a prefix of 'lwc_' will make
# the protections table show up as lwc_protections
prefix: 'lwc_'

# The interval between pinging the MySQL server to keep it alive (in seconds)
ping_interval: 300

# The protections nodes allows you to define, remove and modify which blocks LWC is allowed to protect
# This means that you could make any block you want protectable, or remove existing protectable blocks
# (e.g trap doors, etc.)
# These values serve as default values for the protections defined under blocks

# If true, the default behaviour will be to BLOCK redstone to protections, and /credstone on (Protection Flag)
# will ALLOW redstone to the protection
# If false, the default behaviour will be to ALLOW redstone to protections, and /credstone on will
# BLOCK redstone to the protection
denyRedstone: false

# Settable to private, public, or off. It defines what protections are registered as when you place them on
# the ground
autoRegister: off

# Used in very specific use-cases: makes LWC ignore block destruction for the given block or all blocks, allowing
# players to remove the block and resulting protection.
ignoreBlockDestruction: false

# If left clicking should be ignored by LWC. An example of this would be to add ignoreLeftClick under a note block
# protection to allow players to play the note block's note, but not change the note (which is done via right click,
# which would be blocked by LWC.)
ignoreLeftClick: false

# If right clicking should be ignored by LWC.
ignoreRightClick: false

# If LWC should ignore explosions to the protection. For example, you could allow Doors to be blown by explosions,
# but not chests.
ignoreExplosions: false

# If entities - such as zombies - are allowed to break down doors
allowEntityBreakDoor: false

# If entities - such as villagers - should be allowed to interact with protections (i.e doors)
allowEntityInteract: false

# Creation messages and protection notices will not be shown for this protection
quiet: false

# Set to true to prevent users from modifying a protection they own of a certain type (or any protection).
# ONLY lwc admins will be able to modify the protection
readonly-modify: false

# Set to true to prevent users from removing a protection they own of a certain type (or any protection).
# ONLY lwc admins will be able to modify the protection
readonly-remove: false

# Current and custom protections are defined here by their block name or id
# If you use the Id, you MUST encase it in quotes, for example (chest):
# '54':
# enabled: true
# The custom protection must also have enabled: true under it for it to function in the world
enabled: true
autoRegister: private
enabled: true
autoRegister: private
enabled: true
autoRegister: private
enabled: true
autoRegister: private
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true

enabled: true

# allow items to be transferred across world boundaries
crossWorld: false
enabled: true

Я говорю что я полный 0. Я даже не знаю что мне с этим конфигом и делать.....

замени en на ru и включи сервере. Всё! чего трудного?
  • Mister_E это нравится

#9 Mister_E


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:06

замени en на ru и включи сервере. Всё! чего трудного?

А с Регестрацией как
Какой файл изменять?

#10 Semen4ik


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:08

у меня authme старенький не знаю. messages_ru.yml переименнуй в messages_en.yml

Сообщение отредактировал Semen4ik: 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:08

  • deadanykey это нравится

#11 Mister_E


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:09

у меня authme старенький не знаю. messages_ru.yml переименнуй в messages_en.yml

И так переименовано

#12 deadanykey


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:09

у меня authme старенький не знаю. messages_ru.yml переименнуй в messages_en.yml

Или так ))

#13 Mister_E


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:11

у меня authme старенький не знаю. messages_ru.yml переименнуй в messages_en.yml

(((( LWC накрылся Опять эта ошибка
[lwc] internal error player interact
Что делать(

Сообщение отредактировал Mister_E: 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:11

#14 Semen4ik


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:14

И так переименовано

что сказал???
кодировку случаем у конфига не сбил?

#15 Mister_E


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:17

Как я могу сбить кодировку(((((( Я даже не знаю что это такое ) вот ссылка на ошибку в игре http://vk.com/idvite...94241359_00/rev

# Core configurable options for LWC

# The language LWC will use, specified by the shortname. For example, English = en, French = fr, German = de,
# and so on
locale: ru

# How often updates are batched to the database (in seconds). If set to a higher value than 10, you may have
# some unexpected results, especially if your server is prone to crashing.
flushInterval: 10

# LWC regularly caches protections locally to prevent the database from being queried as often. The default is 10000
# and for most servers is OK. LWC will also fill up to <precache> when the server is started automatically.
cacheSize: 10000

# How many protections are precached on startup. If set to -1, it will use the cacheSize value instead and precache
# as much as possible
precache: -1

# If true, players will be sent a notice in their chat box when they open a protection they have access to, but
# not their own unless <showMyNotices> is set to true
showNotices: true

# If true, players will be sent a notice in their chat box when they open a protection they own.
showMyNotices: false

# If true, ops will be considered LWC admins (e.g with a Permissions plugin, considered to have lwc.admin) and thus
# will have very destructive LWC commands.
opIsLWCAdmin: true

# If true, LWC will not log history about protections. If you are using LWC-Economy and this is disabled, you will
# NOT receive refunds for purchased protections
disableHistory: false

# if true, LWC will only allow protections to be created inside of Towns via the Towny plugin
townyBorders: false

# The permission node prefix that is used to match player groups when
# no supported permission plugin is found, e.g group.vip matches the player's group as vip
groupPrefix: 'group.'

# If you will be notified of LWC updates
updateNotifier: true

# "Fun" options

# Protections are only active when a player is online.
# So if a player is offline, anyone can access it. If the player is online, it functions normally
onlyProtectWhenOwnerIsOnline: false

# Protections are only active when a player is offline
onlyProtectWhenOwnerIsOffline: false

# Block IDs to automatically blocks from /lwc admin purge, /lwc admin expire, etc.
exemptBlocks: []

# Opt out of the optional metrics tooling
# Available online: http://metrics.grief...com/plugin/LWC/
optOut: false

# Blocks that cannot be placed around someone else's protection. This is most useful
- 166

# Players that are blocked from destroying any blocks protected by LWC. Mainly useful for MCPC
# where mods can remove blocks and try to break the block by sending an event first (e.g turtle)
- plr

# If protections limits will be enabled (defaults to unlimited protections)
useProtectionLimits: true

# Database information for LWC

# The database adapter to use, for example sqlite (default) or mysql
adapter: sqlite

# This is strictly for SQLite only and should be left alone. When changing to MySQL and this is left intact,
# LWC will automatically convert your protections from SQLite to MySQL
path: 'plugins/LWC/lwc.db'

# The MySQL host. You can specify a non-default port (3306) by adding :port, e.g host: 'localhost:3307'
host: 'localhost'

# The database LWC should use to store data (not necessary for SQLite)
database: 'lwc'

# The username LWC should use to connect to the server with (not necessary for SQLite)
username: ''

# The password LWC should use to connect to the server with (not necessary for SQLite)
password: ''

# The prefix for LWC tables. For example, a prefix of 'lwc_' will make
# the protections table show up as lwc_protections
prefix: 'lwc_'

# The interval between pinging the MySQL server to keep it alive (in seconds)
ping_interval: 300

# The protections nodes allows you to define, remove and modify which blocks LWC is allowed to protect
# This means that you could make any block you want protectable, or remove existing protectable blocks
# (e.g trap doors, etc.)
# These values serve as default values for the protections defined under blocks

# If true, the default behaviour will be to BLOCK redstone to protections, and /credstone on (Protection Flag)
# will ALLOW redstone to the protection
# If false, the default behaviour will be to ALLOW redstone to protections, and /credstone on will
# BLOCK redstone to the protection
denyRedstone: false

# Settable to private, public, or off. It defines what protections are registered as when you place them on
# the ground
autoRegister: off

# Used in very specific use-cases: makes LWC ignore block destruction for the given block or all blocks, allowing
# players to remove the block and resulting protection.
ignoreBlockDestruction: false

# If left clicking should be ignored by LWC. An example of this would be to add ignoreLeftClick under a note block
# protection to allow players to play the note block's note, but not change the note (which is done via right click,
# which would be blocked by LWC.)
ignoreLeftClick: false

# If right clicking should be ignored by LWC.
ignoreRightClick: false

# If LWC should ignore explosions to the protection. For example, you could allow Doors to be blown by explosions,
# but not chests.
ignoreExplosions: false

# If entities - such as zombies - are allowed to break down doors
allowEntityBreakDoor: false

# If entities - such as villagers - should be allowed to interact with protections (i.e doors)
allowEntityInteract: false

# Creation messages and protection notices will not be shown for this protection
quiet: false

# Set to true to prevent users from modifying a protection they own of a certain type (or any protection).
# ONLY lwc admins will be able to modify the protection
readonly-modify: false

# Set to true to prevent users from removing a protection they own of a certain type (or any protection).
# ONLY lwc admins will be able to modify the protection
readonly-remove: false

# Current and custom protections are defined here by their block name or id
# If you use the Id, you MUST encase it in quotes, for example (chest):
# '54':
# enabled: true
# The custom protection must also have enabled: true under it for it to function in the world
enabled: true
autoRegister: private
enabled: true
autoRegister: private
enabled: true
autoRegister: private
enabled: true
autoRegister: private
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true
enabled: true

enabled: true

# allow items to be transferred across world boundaries
crossWorld: false
enabled: true

#16 Semen4ik


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:19

чем файл редактировал?

#17 Mister_E


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:20


#18 Semen4ik


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:21

C верху написано "Кодировки" какая кодировка у вас? (там кружок)

#19 Mister_E


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:21

Семенчик, спасибо заработало.... Я просто серевную папку удалил а др поставил....

#20 Semen4ik


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Отправлено 23 Апрель 2013 - 22:22

Я сейчас сказать не чего не могу т.к. я еду в автобусе и спать хочу)

а ок хорошо)

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